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Feng Zhou  Chinese Name


Contact Info:
Feng Zhou, Ph.D.
Email: Contact info

Welcome. This site is mostly an adaptation of my old Berkeley homepage. I will post new stuff now and then. If you read Chinese, check out my blog. It's more up-to-date.

Current Projects

Youdao.com I'm CEO of youdao.com, a subsidiary of NetEase Inc.(NASDAQ: NTES) developing mobile education and productivity apps. Youdao Dictionary (iOS, Android, Web) is the No.1 online dictionary in China. Youdao Cloudnote (iOS, Android) is the No.1 note taking app in China.

Past Projects at UC Berkeley

I received my Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley. Here is a partial list of projects that I was involved in while at Berkeley, from 2002 to 2007. My research area is operating systems, programming systems and networking. My advisor is Prof. Eric Brewer.
SafeDrive This is my thesis project. SafeDrive improves reliability of Linux device drivers. It brings fine-grained memory safety to drivers written in C using a source-to-source transformation tool and light dependent-type annotations. SafeDrive also employs a light-weight recovery system that restores kernel invariants when a driver fails, so that the system can continue to work in the face of driver failures. Read SafeDrive OSDI'06 paper, or visit SafeDrive project site
Autolocker As microprocessors move to multi-core designs, we need easier ways to program concurrent applications. Autolocker is a program analysis tool providing atomic sections as an easy-to-use concurrent programming abstraction. Atomic sections in Autolocker are implemented mainly with locks. The programmer provides specification of locks and Autolocker generates locking/unlocking code. With correct specification, Autolocker guarrantees atomicity and deadlock freedom. Read more.
AMP The goal of the Adaptive Multi-Policy caching is to exploit consistent patterns of file accesses from the same contexts of applications to improve file system caching performance. We developed ways to detect these patterns and a buffer cache structure to use the detection results. Check out AMP project page for paper and detailed tech report.
Capriccio The Capriccio project aims to create tools to ease the burden on programmers who develop high-performance systems software. I'm involved in developing the threading system in Capriccio, which aims to be pthread-compatible and scalable to 10K threads. Capriccio achieves these properties with the help of novel compiler support and run-time profiling. Read more.
SpamWatch(2003) In this project we present a scheme for locating documents approximately in P2P networks, using the technique of text fingerprinting. Upon this scheme, we build a practical and scalable system for collaborative filtering of spam emails. Read our ACM Middleware 2003 paper

Refereed Papers

Older stuff



Software bits


Spring 2005 CS264 - Program Analysis
Fall 2004 CS281A - statistical Learning Theory
Spring 2004 CS262B - Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
   Paper summaries
Fall 2003 CS263 - Design and Analysis of Programming Languages
Stat 205A - Probability Theory
Stat 243 - Introduction to Statistical Computing
Spring 2003 CS268 - Graduate Computer Networks
   Paper reviews
   Class project: Understanding Chord Performance PDF
CS270 - Combinatorial Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 2002 CS262a - Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
   Course project: P2P spam filtering,
   Paper summaries
CS267- Applications of Parallel Processing
   Assignments and project

Last modified: 2015/7/26